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Naked Notes

Apr 21, 2021

Mortgage note investing is NOT for everyone. This Naked Notes Podcast © discusses real world reasons why one should NOT invest in mortgage notes. Jasmine and Nadine polled the #NAPNATION to get the dirt on the struggles that would keep the average investor away from the secondary mortgage market and then brought them to you! Not for the faint of heart, 1st position mortgage liens is a asset class that carries a significant amount of risk. This industry requires a familiarity with loss mitigation and a mindset to follow. 

Join the ladies on their mission to Let NO retirement account go UNDERFUNDED, by taking the proper precautions and listening to this episode.

The Naked Notes Podcast © is brought to you by The Note Assistance Program(™) and is an educational podcast built to supplement the education and experiences novice note investors have throughout their note life. Join the movement to leave NO retirement account UNDERFUNDED! Contact the ladies at 855 541 6683